Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Another Blue Bonnet Session...

I received a call from a wonderful client on Friday, that had a family friend in from California. She had seen all of her images hanging on her wall of her children that I have done, and just had to come see me while they were in town!

We decided on a Blue Bonnet Session. You just don't see this in California! So, I rearranged my schedule, thanks to some other wonderful clients willing to be flexible, and we went out to my private field and made some beautiful images together!

I wanted to share some of my favorites with you, and I know these are some of their favorites too!

Thanks so much for the referral Susan, that is the best compliment I can receive from anybody!

Tiffany, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your family for this short time, I know you will enjoy these images of your girls for generations to come!

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