Sunday, September 23, 2007

Senior Sisters!

These Senior Twins are just beautiful girls! I have had so much fun working with them to create their beautiful and unique Senior Portraits! We have done a Studio Session for each of them, as well as a Location Session where we went to the creek and played in the water and you can see a sample of those images down farther in this blog.

I feel sorry for their Mom and Dad to have to pick their favorites from these sessions!! These girls just don't take a bad picture!

Also in these images you will notice some new backgrounds in the studio. The brightly colored painted wall is really fun! I had just finished painting that with a girlfriend of mine that day... it may have even still been a little wet when I took that image!

Then I have hung some cool fabric up on one of the doors, and it photographs really well... as well as my Blue Jean wall. I am still needing BLUE JEANS for this wall... it is ALMOST done! Thank you so much for all of those that have donated to receive your FREE 5x7!

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